I thought I should finish with the last splendid weekend before this one began.
It was the first sunday of the month so it was free to take the S-train. We decided to go up to Klampenborg, a little town on the outskirts of Copenhagen. I had actually been there before on the very pleasant day that I went there for dinner at Anne's house with her brother and parents. =) I had to pick up the bike from Islands Brygge and bike over to Norreport to meet with Rosalie and Becky.
It was a most delightful day! The weather was amazing and I took my new oversized sunnies out to play.

Hahaha so vintage, right! Did anyone watch Problem Child 2? This really reminds me of the amusement park scene, minus the projectile vomiting.
K I suppose this would be more likely to induce the projectile vomiting earlier mentioned.

Wow. It is like I am in London. But I am not. hahahaha.

After that we left Bakken to go explore the reindeer park and try to spot some reindeer! We did not see any reindeer for a while but if you look at the picture closely you will see a little dot on the top of the hill in the distance. It is that small because it was that far away from any other path or group of people. It was... a lone man splayed out on the hill sleeping. HAHAHA. Maybe the funniness does not translate but it was a very odd sight.
If you look closely enough you will see 3 deer chasing each other. Truth be told I can't even spot them myself now, but I know they were in the picture.
And then we left the reindeer park to go walk along the beach!

After that we were all super tired so we decided to head back. I had to go to Norreport to pick up my bike before going to Anne's for dinner. Since I had a bit of time to kill, I decided to go grab a coffee at a nearby cafe, but that shall be covered in a post some time later. =)
Horses! (I took the picture for you, Sam)
Family day! Ok the picture is too small so it's hard to see but there are 3 KIDS on that stroller.
Also, Denmark is so full of young parents, it's insane. All these gorgeous young dads teasing you with their Scandinavian good looks and obvious paternal instincts and looking so sweet with their kids but simultaneously crushing your dreams with aforementioned kids. K DID NOT JUST SAY THAT. AM KIDDING.
Entrance to Bakken, the oldest amusement park in the WORLD! No kidding.
It was the sweetest place! The rides were so small and cute and vintage and it was just such a happy place!
The streets.
GAHHHH!! Cutest poster ever!!! Do you not want to squeeze it to death??
Miniature Ferris Wheel! Too cute! I swear it was like...2 metres in height. I wonder if everything here was miniature because it is OLD or because it is mostly meant for little kids. Because if it is the former then it would mean that people all used to be hobbits.
Crocodile ride.
I'll take you to the candy shop... I'll let you lick the lollipop.. (Because it's old school, like 50 cent. K, never mind.)
Charm School Graduates, Class of 2010
A bevy of beauties
I had decided at the start of the day that I was not going to spend any money and be frugal but alas, we stopped at the waffle stand. Even as my resolve melted away I thought to myself "It's OK! I will only buy the cheapest thing!" But erm... since we are using the metaphor of ice as resolve, let me just say it was a hot day and of course...I got the only 35 Kr thing on the menu. I am ashamed of myself. Belgium waffle with soft serve ice cream and drizzled with Grand Marnier!! I must say it took some of the shame away.
Here Rosalie and I indulged in some trigger happiness and took turns taking a bunch of pictures of each other. Hahaha.
And here you surely cannot tell because I am so small. Haha.
The beach turned out to be somewhat of a nudist beach?? HAHAHA. It was a strange experience. We were just strolling along happily when I was taken aback by what I thought was a naked man and had to do a double-take--which confirmed what I thought was true. Later on by the dock a naked Grandpa and Grandma took a dip in the sea (IT WAS VERY COLD MIND YOU) while a fully-clothed child sat by and waited for them. And then they came out of the sea, and each took the child by one hand and calmly walked back to their blanket. o.O It was very peculiar. My brain exploded a little bit.
After that we hopped back on the train and went to Frederikssund, an old viking town. It was a Sunday so everything was closed and it was actually kind of boring. It was still a quaint little town though.
We sat at the harbour for a bit and then went into Fotex to buy groceries. Hahaha! By this time I was famished and getting very grumpy. I didn't trust myself to be even decent company if I didn't get food so I bought a huge block of brie to snack on (which I promptly finished HALF of on the train ride. Yes, the shame.)
For you, Lulu!
After the coffee, I got on the bike and went to Osterbro to wait for her to come meet me before we walked over to her place. Her apartment's really nice and HYGGE! Heh. (Hygge means cosy in Danish.) She cooked dinner and after we ate we both got blankets and curled up to watch a Danish movie she'd gotten from her parents' place. It was called Drommen if I'm not wrong and it was really really good!
By the time the movie ended it was about 10.30pm and Anne walked me back to the station where my bike was parked and I went on a mini adventure--biking all the way back to Orestad from Osterbro AT NIGHT. I'm glad I did it because I don't think that is something I am going to be doing again anytime soon. I really liked biking around at night while I was still in the city even though going past some of the parks was a little bit unnerving since they were so dark, but once I got onto Amager, going down the stretch from Islands Brygge to Orestand was an absolutely harrowing experience. It was SO DARK and there were hardly any cars going by. I kept thinking that the pebbles the bike kicked up behind me was somebody RUNNING AFTER ME and looking to my right into the swamp next to me just made me paranoid about something coming out of there and grabbing and pulling me into the darkness. o.O The path was so straight and so long and stretched out forever. All I could do was focus on the light from the metro station in the distance but it never seemed to get closer. gahhh.
Anyhow, it was an AWESOME DAY. Action packed and very very full indeed! =) I tumbled happily into bed.
I later checked google maps to find that I'd biked about 10 km from Osterbro to Orestad. In about 35 minutes including the time spent in front of the traffic lights! That's not too bad right? =)
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