Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Museum Weekend Part 2

Bright and early Sunday morning I woke up and had to rush to Frue Plads to meet to take the bus to Louisiana for culture course. Staying the night before did NOT help (although it was much fun! Will add a post on the Norrebro festival soon), plus I was starving all morning. Rosalie gave me some pity crumbs on the bus, haha!

When we got there, we had to sit through an introduction lecture where I conveniently took a nap. I thought I was being discreet, but apparently not seeing as I woke up to find myself slumped to the side of the chair with my head lolling off the corner of the next chair and my tongue nearly hanging out of my mouth--ok, fine the last part was a mild exaggeration but I promise you it still isn't that much of a stretch. Also, as we were walking out Islay called out to me and said "Jerrine! Had a nice nap there, eh?" (Hee, her Canadian accented "eh" is so adorable.)

The museum was GORGEOUS!!! My camera was acting up again so I didn't take as many pictures as I would have liked but it was by the sea with sprawling gardens and strange and beautiful sculptures sprinkled everywhere! The building looked just like a nice seaside house or something but had many underground levels and so was much bigger than it seemed.

With limited time, Rosalie and I pretty much sprinted through the museum after spending more time than we should have walking around leisurely. Map in hand, we raced to the installation art section of the museum. I wish we could have spent more time admiring the other pieces.

Also, Louisiana was so named, not after the state in the US but because the man who owned the estate had been married three times and all three women were named Louise! Hahaha. So cute right.

K, let's get to the pictures!

Tee hee! Is it just me, or does this sculpture look like Wall-E? Ahem, a very excited one at that.
Museum Shop!

Gah!!! Magazine cover with giraffe!! Must... Take... Picture....

Wow! Giraffe AND A Bald Man! It's like they knew all the things I like and put them on the shelf just for me. Hahaha. Yes, I like bald men so shoot me. LEX LUTHOR IS SEXY OK! (Michael Rosenbaum in Smallville, oh god not Kevin Spacey... oh god, no.)

The museum was full of full length windows like these. The man who started it felt very strongly about the interior and exterior spaces being able to interact with each other.



Wait for it... The title of this drawing is coming up next...

Tah-dah! Hahahaha I had to take a picture of it because erm... that is well... Me.
"Lady in a Cafe" describes me practically everyday of my life. Hahaha.
If anyone utters the phrases "true to form" or "real-life likeness" I will kill myself, thanks. Although I must say... I do have a headpiece similar to the one she is wearing. o.O


My good friend.

I took this picture for Felicia. It is a series of frames of... potatoes. Haha.

Reminded me of a brain. Also reminded me of the garden at Peggy Guggenheim's home-turned-museum in Venice! Hence, made my heart ache for Christine and Rachel A LOT. meep.

"My Home Winds"

They are all individually made and each one is different and unique.
Statement on society? Haha ooh... deep. I am almost inspired to write an essay on it but.. I have an essay that I actually HAVE to write looming before me so erm... first things first.
"Same Same But Different"

We passed the children's museum while rushing to the installation section and I insisted we stop for a quick minute. If only for a photo op. Hahaha.

Big Boss.


View of outside from inside. Sooo gorgeous.


Like I said, CREEPY.

Rushed through the cafe. Apparently it was very revolutionary at the time to have a cafe in the middle of a museum but the curator/owner thought it important that one should be able to take a break while admiring art and sit for a second and sip on a coffee. Interesting, I think that too! If I were born years ago I would have been a Revolutionary. But I probably wouldn't have owned a museum so never mind.

YOU MIGHT SAY I'M A DREAMER BUT I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE! Sorry for shouting, just channeling the inner John Legend VERY HARD (or very loudly).



Someone needs to put on some weight, yo! Dayum, gurl, yoo looking sick! (Ok sorry I don't know why I said that. Haha.) If anything I would say she is severely pear-shaped. I recommend some shoulder pads to balance out the top. Besides, thanks to Balmain the trend is still going strong. Haha ok, will shut up now.

A dream.



Diving board sticking out from the museum building. It overlooks a little cliff before the sea. Once again a demonstration of the interaction between interior and exterior spaces.


Florescent light installation.

Red canvas with slashes in it? Why WOULDN'T I take a picture of this. Love.

And then we finally arrived at what we'd ran all the way there to find. The Light Room.
Oh my god it was magic. We had to wait almost half an hour in line in order to get in because they only allowed a maximum of 2 people in there at a time. Of course, we tested the patience of all the other people waiting behind us once we got in and knocked ourselves out with the picture-taking. After which we decided we NEEDED to take another 10 seconds to EXPERIENCE it and just sit in silence--or more like "ooh" and "aahh" like crazy people. When we left the room I looked at my feet, afraid of meeting the eyes of very probably impatient people. Hahaha I'm just glad they weren't tapping their feet instead.

Like I said, Magic.

And the bulbs, they change colour!



You also had to watch your step because the room was really small and you were on a platform surrounded by water--which added to the tranquilness of the place and added even more reflection.

I need to install a room like this in my future house! Now who wants to live with me say Aye! =)

Ok, have procrastinated for too long, am going to screw the lid back on the bottle of nutella, pour myself another cup of milk and get down to work!

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