Monday, May 10, 2010

Laundromat Cafe

I remember it was a lazy Sunday when I decided to head out and go to Norrebro to be Hygge (tee hee I love the word. Please ask me how to say it so that you can love it too. The pronunciation is so cute!) at Laundromat Cafe.

It was an eclectic little place, but commercially so, kind of in the try-too-hard-to-be-offbeat kind of way. It still worked, though, since I am a sucker for gimmicks. It's a Laundromat and a cafe. Haha. So you can put your washing in and then sit at the cafe while you wait. It's rather expensive though. I ordered a Chai Latte here, which was pretty good--just sweet enough--for 35 Kr, I think. I also ordered a carrot cake! I believe that was 30+ or 40+ Kr.

It was nice and cosy but was a tad crowded, as I hear it is wont to get--it's in all the bigger guidebooks like Lonely Planet, etc. They also didn't have very many power points to plug your computer into.

As I was craning my neck and being awkward and maybe slightly inappropriate--crouching over and peering between people's legs--as I was, trying to find a power point, I found the only one on my side of the cafe right under my seat! Only thing was it was already being used by someone. Said someone raised an eyebrow at me so I quickly composed myself again, ahem-ed and sat down like a proper lady.

He was nice enough to offer me the use of the powerpoint and thus ensued a rather interesting conversation. See, going to a cafe never disappoints, I always somehow end up having very interesting conversations with strangers. For example, I found that that.. men tend to have better tunnel vision--ie if they are checking out a girl, they would probably have to turn their entire heads and STARE and have their eyes follow the girl/part of the girl. Whereas, women on the other hand, have better peripheral vision so for example, I could be talking to you "while simultaneously thinking 'hmm that waiter has a cute butt' " (in inverted commas because I am quoting the guy I spoke to!). This can possibly be traced back to our primitive instincts (ie we are all still cavemen. Evolution? Natural selection? PAH!) because men probably needed the better tunnel vision to... aim at targets and throw spears while hunting and the like, while women needed the peripheral vision as they were better multi-taskers and had to cook the food while making sure the 27 crawling babies didn't crawl too near the fire and get their hair singed or something. Anyhow, he was a very interesting person indeed!

So interesting in fact that I had sat down and spoken to him for so long without ordering anything that the waiter came over to politely nudge me into ordering. He did this by putting both palms down on my table and leaning his weight on them and saying "HI WOULD YOU LIKE TO ORDER SOMETHING?" Haha ok I exaggerate he was actually really nice.

I apologize for how dark the pictures are, I didn't want to annoy people with flash.

Laundromat Menu! Could not afford ANY of the food there. Even the nachos were like 79 Kr or something, I remember. (Translated: USD 16 or SGD 20+)
Carrot cake!

I loved this! This is the front of the counter where you order. Jars of cookies and muffins and cakes! Aaaanddd it's a shelf lined with rows and rows of paperbacks of different colours! That's actually how they got the tones and gradients--by arranging THAT MANY paperback books. =) Oh, lovely!

The decor also has a lot of red which explains why I was so happy there. Heh.
The window sill behind me full of brochures and leaflets of random events in Copenhagen. View of the street outside.

I stayed there from 6+pm to nearly midnight and walked to the metro station in the bright coldness of the dark night.

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