This was one of my absolute favourites!!
Super pretty and super pretty! It's on Stroget and behind the Royal Copenhagen China store, tucked away in the back so it's not really the kind of place you stumble upon since you have to rather purposefully walk into that little nook in the back.
The crowd here is a rather eclectic mix of posh old people and trendy, hip young moms with their babies (because Denmark is FULL of 1) pregnant women or 2)young mothers). Singapore really needs to make a case study of Denmark. There are SO MANY CHILDREN HERE.
It also made me miss my mom a lot because we went to the Royal Copenhagen Cafe in Takashimaya in Singapore back during the 7 months I had before College. Meep! Also, with mother I could order actual food. o.O
The decor of the place was AMAZING!! Like a fairy candyland. Everything was pretty and colourful and HAPPY and almost unreal. Prices were therefore also, of course, unbelievably high. They also have internet access here although it's not really the sort of place where you can linger because the turnover rate is pretty high I think. Oh! The menu is also a children's colouring book. Cuuuutttteee =)
K, will stop talking and let the pictures begin.
View of the place from where Lauren, Kelly and I were sitting.
The table behind us. See what I mean about the babies. Maybe because they are gathered round The Tree of LIFE. Ok, don't mind me I don't know what I'm saying.
Pretty hanging things! Hahaha A pikachu! It's not hard to understand why I love this place. I mean... multi-coloured RIBBONS with shiny gold things hanging from them. WHAT'S NOT TO LOVE?
Pretty things in glass cases.
More importantly... DELICIOUS THINGS in glass cases.
Completely spoilt for choice.
And of course I made friends with the old man in the above picture. Because everyone knows I love old men. Perhaps another little thing I can allow you to know about me. He came over to ask me what I wanted and helped me make up my mind by describing every single dessert they had there. Hahaha. Under his recommendation, I tried the Danish-something-mix (I forget) for the tea.
Decided on this bad baby
Cute little designer chairs in a glass bell jar!
More cute things in glass cases. A... pincushion? Or voodoo doll. Don't know. Could think of a few people I would want to use that on. JUST KIDDING.
This was the wall next to where we were sitting. So colourful and cute! When I went over to take pictures Kelly said "I knew you'd like that..." I wonder what it says that my friends assume I will like colourful naked cloth dolls composed of cloth fruits. o.O I actually hadn't noticed the dolls yet.
Funny right??
Love the pretty hanging things! hahahaha PUFFER FISH on a ribbon. Gahhh I must squeeze it to death and eat it. SO. CUTE.
Cup of tea with magazine. =) Ah life...
The old man from the counter also came around to take my tea bag out for me. Hahaha how nice. And then he asked me about Singapore because he said he was going there and then promptly told me he did not like my country. ?!
That conversation prompted the old man sitting next to me to talk to me about Singapore too because apparently he was going to go with his son the next week. His wife was really sweet too and said it was a shame she wouldn't be going with them. Sweet old couple. Hee, they warm the cockles of my black black heart. And then when they left she said "Enjoy Copenhagen! Maybe we will see you in Singapore! Just have to look out for the girl with the pretty dress!" Nyeheheh. Yes fine, I like them also because they fed my ego.
Wall of lipsticks! Lighting was bad but it was really pretty!
I have... no words. Once again, WHY IS THIS CONSIDERED DECORATION? Like somebody thought "Hmm.. what can I use to decorate this place to make it beautiful and lovely? AHA! A lifesized doll of an old man sitting on a swing hanging above my patrons!"
Alas, I suppose this is a good picture to sum up the experience because Kelly said to me at some point "Really pulling in the old men today, huh, Jerrine?"
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