Wednesday, May 5, 2010

A splendid weekend (Part 1)

Ok I suppose this post will have nothing much to do with cafes but it was a splendid and action packed weekend very much worth mentioning.

Saturday May 1st Labour Day

Woke up and hurriedly got dressed and went to meet Kelly to go meet Lauren at the park. We took our bikes but after making it through the Hell Path that is the stretch from Orestad to Islands Brygge, it started to drizzle so we decided to park our bikes by the fence and hop on a bus. IT WAS A VERY GOOD IDEA BECAUSE in less than a minute it started pouring. To add to this annoying little inconvenience, the bus took a detour which I am sure they announced. In Danish. After staying on the bus for way too long we finally decided to just get off and try to figure out where we were. Famished, we went to get shawarma and then stopped for candy bars and continued on our way (3 bars for 10Kr!). We decided to cut through the cemetery in search of Soren Kirkgard's and Hans Christian Andersen's graves. We quickly became very well acquainted with them (don't ask me how) and were referring to them as Soren and HC ("Do you think Soren is around this corner?")--this development was by no means because their damned names are so long.

The cemetery was so lovely and peaceful. Enchanting, one might say. The willows and the little pink flowers and the muted colours from the dreariness of the day made it all very ethereal.

HAHAHA can you spot the VERY FAT BIRD in the tree? It cracked me up. Ok I realize it doesn't look so fat in the picture hence NOBODY finds this funny but it really was!

Soren Kirkgard! Checked off list of things to do. Or see since I suppose there will be no erm.. doing of the dead man.
I must say I think planting flowers at your headstone is an EXCELLENT idea. The flowers just grow by themselves so 1) The area around the tombstone is always pretty. 2) You don't have to keep going to place flowers there since they sprout by themselves 3) You don't get pesky people stepping all over your dead remains because they forgot you were there because your tombstone got covered with dirt or whatever.


Because one must participate in the act of Reading at the grave of one Mr. H.C. Andersen. Although I was reading erm... Shakespeare. Hopefully he had Great Respect for the man and will approve of me reading his work by his bones.


Funny headstone
"Funny looking headstone" that Kelly pointed out. I will not say why it is funny looking. Draw your own conclusions.
Continued on our little semi-adventure to the park. Saw some interesting things on the way.
For example...

I cannot even begin to comprehend what this means.


And then there was another one around every corner. This guy was wearing a shiny gold wedding ring. Statement on Marital Bliss eh? Reminds me of RGS's prelim question--"The wedding band is the smallest handcuff in the world. Discuss." What did my darling progressive all-girl high school do to my brain?


And then... it all culminated in this last one. So this is art. I think I am not deep enough to understand.


And then we got to the park!

Girls with Spongebob!!
I HAD to lead everyone towards the Giraffe.
While walking around and exploring, we walked past this incredibly long line for the Port-a-Potty (or whatever you call it) and this little conversation between Dan, Niko and Colin happened behind me that made me snigger to myself.

Context:long long line of GIRLS
Dan: Haha look at the two idiots standing in line (referring to the only two guys in line.)
Niko: Wohhh... those guys must be taking HUGE SHITS.
*sniggers all around*
Colin: I wouldn't want to go in after those guys...
All: Oh NooooooOO.

Hahaha excuse me if you don't find this funny but I have the sense of humour of a 14 year old boy and I still laugh at fart jokes so...

As we walked around the rest of the day we walked past many patches of forest Kelly later called Pee Forests. Because that's basically what they were. If you looked into the darkness, next to each tree, you would see the silhouette of a man and it does not take a genius to figure out what all these guys are doing standing next to a tree pretending to be inconspicuous. Soon we also identified Guy Pee Forests and Girl Pee Forests. Very interesting day.

Us at our spot! It was amazing we were able to find Dan and Collin at all and it was really all thanks to Tim who spotted us and waved us over.


Since I would like that you shall not get to know me better through this, then if you know nothing else about me, you should at least know that i REALLY like chocolate. More than that, I also really like to put chocolate on my teeth and take pictures. Dear Friends, in case you have forgotten... I present to you, Me.

The picture of demure, dainty, femininity
A Charming Effusive Beauty


A two-legged horse balloon. I tried very hard to get a picture of it while it was up in the air but the girl kept pulling it down. I don't know why but it was just really TOO FUNNY to me. Also, while I was looking at it and laughing to myself I heard Niko say behind me "Look at that. Just look at that. It's a two-legged horse. Man that freaks me out! Why the hell would you make a two-legged horse. That is creepy." HAHAHAHA. Please look.


Crazy drunk people on the bus out of there.
We went to Dan's and Colin's for pizza afterwards and I spied an empty bottle of asian chilli sauce on the table so of couse, i HAD TO PICK IT UP. Upon doing this, I found... this:


I present the beauty to you in colour.
After that we had tea and sat around and chatted and then finally Kelly and I headed back.

Frederiksberg metro station at night! It's so pretty.

And then I fell into bed. Mind you I only just finished about Saturday. Sunday coming up! =)

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