It was an insane day entirely spent in libraries. First I biked to The Black Diamond (Copenhagen's Royal Library) where I could not borrow my book because my CPR card was stolen along with my wallet. Grrr. Can I just say again how much I hate theft? It is such a rude breach of the social contract. I have never stolen anything and I should be able to expect that people will not take my things. Of course the world does not work like this and this is not a topic for today anyway so, moving on...
From there I hopped back on the bike and went to KUA to meet with Professor to discuss paper topic. After that I decided to go to the department library to do some research-- since they don't allow you to check out so many things I thought it best to just get some work done there.
View from the second storey skywalk.
And a guy who looks like he is caught in a lightsaber fight between invisible jedis.
Haha. Attempt at incorporating nature?
I wonder how the young sapling feels about being in a building full of the bleached and flattened remains of its fellow tree friends.
More of the awesome hammocks.
Waited for Kelly to finish with her class and then we got on our bikes to go to Kvarterhuset--a library cafe, haha--on Amager. It was so cold that day!
People sitting by the window. Lighting was bad.

The counter. Cakes were reasonably priced. My cheesecake was 23Kr.
Happiness on a plate!
Pretty nice place but no power points to plug your computer into. Muhh.
KvarterhusetJemtelandsgade 3
2300 København S
Telefon: 82 32 55 32
2300 København S
Telefon: 82 32 55 32
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