Tuesday, May 18, 2010


This 15 page paper is kicking my butt but it is also my fault for procrastinating so much and being sooo slowww with everything.

I've been to so many great (and one very creepy) cafe so far and I really want to put them up but 1) don't have the time to write actual posts and 2) don't have camera cable with me to upload pictures so...

Don't worry, I am not dead. I have decided though, to let you get better acquainted with my face.

Here is what I look like without a thought in my head. (Pre-Nutella)

Here is what I look like with food in my mouth. (Mid-Nutella)

I don't have a picture of post-nutella because that normally involves me sleeping, during which time I am unable to use photobooth to take a picture of myself.

I am a simple creature. Feed me.

Or I will take your baby's candy.


Oh god this is what a 20 page paper will do to you at 1.07am in the morning.

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