Friday, April 30, 2010

So, first post! Things like these always stress me out--you know, the momentous first post, first kiss, first everything. Infinitely stressful. So, instead, let's jump right in!

I decided to start this blog because I figured that since I spend so much time (and money) in cafes I should have something to show for it. I suppose I will post other things up here too--interesting things I've done, cool places I've gone to and the like--but I hope this doesn't lapse into a personal blog. A-tangerine was my baby and still is my baby but lately I just haven't felt much like updating. Besides, there are too many secrets locked up in there too so I think it is best left alone.

I couldn't think of a good name for the blog so for now copenhagencafecrazy shall suffice. For a while I thought copenhagencafechick but then the awesome alliteration still could not justify me calling myself a CHICK. Ew. After all I am not a baby chicken so it would not have made sense.

Anyhow, I really really don't want this to become a personal blog and end up indulging in emotions or whatnot here. I should hope that you will not get to know me better by reading this, thank you very much.

OK WOW this is really boring me so I am just going to get into it already and put ze pictures up.

I suppose I should also introduce you to my face. So here it is:

My face + my new sunnies =D

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