Friday, April 30, 2010

Great Prayer Day

It is late on a Friday night and I am, as I am wont to, eating Nutella out of the bottle. So, it was Great Prayer Day today which is a Danish Holiday so all the shops were closed and there was nothing to do at all. Not that this really bothered me considering I woke up close to 3pm and spent a good part of the afternoon trying to get a pesky splinter out of my foot. Note to self: do not take shoes off no matter how much it annoys you to walk in them on the cobblestone.

Did chores and had dinner with Kelly and Frances and then met Rosalie and the other downstairs to go to... church! Haha. Apparently there was going to be some rock concert thing going on in a little church close to Forum and since today was such a danish-specific holiday and none of us really knew what we were supposed to do, we thought it might be fun to go check it out.

It was an.. experience. Rather strange, plenty interesting. There was a pastor who would stand in front in really low lighting to speak and then every 5 minutes he would break and the band would come on behind and and just ROCK OUT ON STAGE and these amazing lights would come on. There was a disco ball and flashing lights and err... a paper mache volcano on the second floor that would light up and spew smoke?? I had to guffaw to myself everytime the volcano did its thing. WHY, can you tell me, WHY would a church simply need to have a smoke spewing lit up paper mache volcano? Why? Anyhow, all this would go on for the length of the song and then... the lights would die and the pastor would come out again. For another 5 minutes of monotonous talking (also it was in danish so nothing made sense to me anyway) before the band would come on again. Hahaha it made me feel slightly crazy.

Can you see the volcano in the corner? Hahahaha i love it.
Yes, this church has a giant metal chandelier and also, a hanging disco ball.
The red lights make it look really creepy and eerie though.

The girls decided to get a beer after (yes, because there is a bar in the basement of the church) but I wasn't really in the mood and so I decided to take off.

view of metro station from base of escalator where I was sitting.

Tomorrow I think we will go to the park for Labour Day and then maybe go to a flea market. hmm.

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